A young boy who loves his local newspaper

We have a heartwarming story to share with you courtesy of Kevin Weedmark, the editor and publisher of The World-Spectator, which is based in Moosomin, SK.

He describes his publication’s newest subscriber, who just received a subscription for his seventh birthday.

The below ran in their Jan 22 edition.

Tayen Kneesch is one of the World-Spectator’s newest subscribers.

He loves the paper and his grandparents brought him to Moosomin Wednesday to buy him a subscription for his seventh birthday, and to tour the newspaper office with his sister Miya and meet some of the staff.

He was thrilled to get the subscription.

“I get my own paper with my name on it every week?” he said. “Cool!” He noticed photos of some of his teachers on the screen for this week’s newspaper, and a photo of a friend in last week’s newspaper.